Sunday, February 2, 2025

Spring is here Reunion beckons as Wood Snake arrives

Menu display of a Chinese restaurant in Cyberjaya

Raw fish slices on Yee Sang dish are abundantly available whenever Chinese New Year is around the corner. The auspicious sayings behind each of the ingredients that are poured into the tray are explained as below:-

年年有餘 (nián nián yǒu yú) To always have more than enough; symbolizes abundance and prosperity.

Shredded vegetables
青春常驻 (qīng chūn cháng zhù) May you be youthful and vital always; represent vitality and growth.

Crushed peanuts
金玉滿堂 (jīn yù mǎn táng) May your home be filled with wealth and treasure.

Sesame seeds
大小平安 (dà xiǎo píng ān) Peace and safety for all in your family.

Crispy crackers (pok chui)
黄金满地 (huáng jīn mǎn de) May wealth and prosperity be everywhere; signifying a prosperous year filled with joy and laughter.

Sweet plum sauce
甜甜蜜蜜 (tián tián mì mì) May your life be sweet like honey; binds the ingredients together, symbolizing the sweetness of life.

Touch N Go SSSlay Chinese New Year with style can be read HERESpeed limit decreases announced by Ministry of Transport and JPJ can be read HERE whilst Paul Tan automotive portal has a comprehensive listing of lorries which are banned from Malaysian roads which can be read HERE. Paul Tan also covered the reduced speed limit for vehicles which you can read about HERE . These are useful guides as the Chinese community return home to celebrate the coming of the Wood Snake with family & friends. A mini-mart chain in Sarawak has a festive theme for their website which you can view HERETheir CNY story about the importance of family reunion retold in video below:-
Pudu Ria Florist Chinese New Year 2025 performances including their lion dance was held earlier on 26 January 2025. 
SAYS portal has a dedicated page for the Year of the Snake. Google introduced a "fruit-friendly" version of their Snake-themed game in 2025. Below is the screenshot of the CNY Snake game that Google introduced 12 years ago:- 
The mobile phone screenshots of the red-coloured snake & blue-coloured snake eating the oranges & apples are as below:-
Google blog's guide to a festive Lunar New Year celebration can be read HERE.

1 comment:

  1. BBC covered CNY 2025 in London and a Chinese dim sum restaurant Tao Tao Ju had a lion dance. Read about their previous CNY post at


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